Create solutions through consultations

Use Platform4Dialogue to gain insight, build new partnerships, inform your research and contribute to reports and publications through hosting your own consultation.


Platform4Dialogue provides time-limited consultations that are text-based discussions. Participants can login at any point throughout the day, catch up on the discussion and make their own contributions to a session from anywhere in the world.

Track emerging trends and offer holistic insight through your participants. Each day is divided into sessions with several threads and topics relating to your wider discussion. Participants can answer questions, post insights, share knowledge and tap into community resources.

Utilising Peace Direct’s vast contact network, we provide networking and business opportunities, while also helping to curate your invite list. We can help moderate discussions, develop content, find participants and create a short post-consultation summary report.

Bring together global participants. Our platform is automatically translated into English, French, Spanish and Arabic. We will work with you to extend to other languages if required.

Built for low bandwidth environments, the platform is inspired by a range of familiar social media and messaging apps, and can be accessed on most modern devices.

All information is protected, and conversations and insights remain private unless you permit sharing. Dialogue content may be sensitive, so participants can also contribute anonymously.

Our experienced team will offer tech support, and assist you with all stages of planning and hosting your consultation.

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Featured discussions

US Policy to Prevent Global Conflict: Local Peacebuilders Consultation

A two-day online consultation to share perspectives and recommendations on how the United States government can develop more effective strategies to help prevent violent conflict and build peace.

Reflecting on Peacebuilding and Sustaining Peace

This three-day online consultation forms part of the 2020 review of the UN peacebuilding architecture and offers peacebuilders from across the globe an opportunity to contribute their views and experiences, and to reflect on the work of the UN in support of building and sustaining peace.

“We still have three more Learning Exchanges with Platform4Dialogue and it is so good to know we will keep working together and also so reassuring that Peace Direct has this level of quality in its work. I would like to thank you especially for your involvement in the work. You have the capacity to resolve every normal situation and every unexpected challenge with the perfect combination of clarity, technical skills and kindness.”

Consultation Host | New York City

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If you're interested in how you can use Platform4Dialogue in your work or, please get in touch!

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